Career coaching is not magic or snapping your fingers and suddenly you have your dream job. (Wouldn’t you pay me lots to do that for you?!) It is real, practical, roll up your sleeves, take a good look in the mirror stuff. It’s assessing your current career, what exactly you want to change and creating a concrete plan for taking action towards that change. It’s about learning how to set goals that position you for that new career, evaluating your current skills, tossing old skills you’d rather not use anymore and developing new ones. It’s about how to apply for that ONE job that was meant for you not the 500 jobs you don’t even want!


One-on-One Coaching

HER TIME’s™ one-on-one coaching approach helps you build your dream career while creating the life of personal balance you need.

Group Coaching

HER TIME’s™ small group coaching programs are exclusively for women like you planning a career change.

Instant Training

DIY Confident Resumé

This course offers a DIY-style video training with a workbook and exercises to keep you on track with the lessons. At the end of this training, you will know how to create a resumé that pops with confidence, quickly gets you past the five-second screening, straight to the interview and on to the job you really want!